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九大救急 What's New!

2012/10/30第81回 先端医工学セミナーのお知らせ

11月6日(火)午後 先端医工学セミナーを開催いたします。
今回は、カナダ・クイーンズ大学のRandy E. Ellis先生をお迎えし、整形外科手術支

講師:Professor and Queen's Research Chair in Computer-Assisted Surgery
   School of Computing,
     Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Department
   of Surgery Queen's University, Canada
     Invited Professor of Osaka University Graduate School of
   Medicine, Japan
   Randy E. Ellis先生

演題名:Ergonomic Navigation: New Design Principles for Computer-Assisted


For the past fifteen years, our interdisciplinary research group has
developed systems for image-guided surgery that have been used to treat
more than 500 patients. One recurring difficulty is the ergonomics of such
systems, which can be time consuming and difficult to use. This talk will
describe two methods to improve the usability of surgical systems. The
first method is to use patient-specific instruments that replace an
expensive navigation system with a single-use surgical guide. The second
method, where navigation is still necessary, is to use a new kind of
operating room that integrates real-time imaging and tracking, which
improves the way in which surgeons plan and perform complex surgical
procedures. Each of these methods can be extended to incorporate other
technologies, such as robots, in future surgical solutions.

日 時:11月6日(火) 14:00~15:00 
場 所:West Wing 3階 内視鏡外科手術トレーニングセンター講義室
共 催:福岡医学会
  • 入学案内 入学をお考えの方へ
  • 後期研修医募集
  • 救急科医局員募集

九州大学大学院 臨床系医学研究院 救急医学講座
