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九大救急 What's New!

2013/06/05第84回 先端医工学セミナーのお知らせ


今回は脳外科領域での手術ナビゲーションで世界的にも有名なPierre JANNIN


"Models for surgical assistance and evaluation: applications in


The objective of this presentation is to introduce the concept of
model-guided surgery. It aims at improving computer-assisted surgery by
the surgeon with surgical decision support systems. This requires
translating implicit information and knowledge into explicit ones. Making
and knowledge explicit goes through the construction of computerized models.
In the last 20 years, a lot has been done for building numerical patient
specific models from multimodal pre operative images. Such models can now be
displayed in the operating room along with the real patient, thanks to
augmented reality and updated by using intra operative images (e.g., 3D US,
video images). I will present approaches, systems, and software we
developed for multimodal image guided neurosurgery. Patient specific images
from homogeneous populations of patients, when gathered and registered,
can help producing knowledge models that may further help decision making,
for instance during surgical planning. Such approach will be illustrated for

designing anatomo-clinical atlases for Deep Brain Stimulation. Even though
image guided surgery made information about the patient more explicit, a lot
information and knowledge still remain implicit, especially regarding the
surgical practice. The high inter patient and inter surgeon variabilities
have to
be studied and modelled. I will demonstrate that Surgical Process Models
(SPM) are an appropriate solution. I will suggest a global methodology for
surgical process modelingI will show how SPM methodology can help modeling
procedural knowledge, as part of surgical expertize. . This approach
will be illustrated by different studies and applications. Finally, I will
emphasize the need for better understanding of surgeon’s cognitive
as another part of surgical expertize, for further help in designing optimal
computer assisted surgical systems.

日時:6月5日(水曜) 18時-19時 
場 所:West Wing 3階 内視鏡外科手術トレーニングセンター講義室
共 催:福岡医学会
  • 入学案内 入学をお考えの方へ
  • 後期研修医募集
  • 救急科医局員募集

九州大学大学院 臨床系医学研究院 救急医学講座
