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5月18日(水) 17時30分より第104回先端医工学セミナーを開催いたします。

今回は、フランスのRennes大学,Pierre Jannin先生をお招きして“Surgical Training of Procedural Knowledge”と題しましてご講演を賜ります。

同先生は外科手術手技の客観的評価方法について研究され、同研究施設において手術ワークフロー(手術の手技・手順・行程を時系列的に並べたもの、 SPM)解析手法を開発され、外科医のもつ手術手技を具体的かつ定量的にフィードバックする手法として世界的に提案されており、今回のご講演で拝聴できる ものと思われます。


両先生のご講演後、Jannin先生の研究室にて開発されております、手術室看護師さんを対象としたvirtual reality-based surgical simulatorのデモを予定しております。


時間:5月18日 17:30-
場所:West Wing 3階 内視鏡外科手術トレーニングセンター講義室

Speaker: Prof.Pierre Jannin,
A INSERM Research Director at the Medical School of the University of Rennes, France

Title: "Surgical Training of Procedural Knowledge"

Abstract: Until recently, surgical education relied on the old see one, do one (and teach one) paradigm . It is now expected that surgical education should rely on computer-based systems with simulation capabilities. The medical literature outlined that only 25% of the quality of surgical performance depends on surgeons dexterity. The remaining 75% relates to knowledge and non-technical skills. However, most efforts on surgical simulation have focused on dexterity. Studies on surgical skills have shown the im portance of both conceptual and procedural knowledge in the decision making process. We present here a project that aims to develop virtual environments for procedural training based on observations of real case surgeries. This project is divided into three research topics: Surgical Process Data Organisation and Acquisition, Surgical Process Mining, and Collaborative Virtual Environment for Training. Data about a specific surgical procedure are acquired during real case surgeries. These data are then used to create a generic model of this procedure. This model is finally integrated as a scenario in a Virtual Reality system.

(Note that the lecture will be given in English.)
  • 入学案内 入学をお考えの方へ
  • 後期研修医募集
  • 救急科医局員募集

九州大学大学院 臨床系医学研究院 救急医学講座
